Sunday, August 10, 2014

Food Power Game

The food power game involves industry, government, farmers, the environment, and ultimately consumer food safety.

The depth of coercion within the American government, judiciary, agencies which were formerly created to protect the people but which currently function to support industry, is insidious and researchable.  The Clinton, Bush and Obama administrations have been complicit in furthering the "FOOD-AS-A-WEAPON - WORLDWIDE CAMPAIGN" which is ultimately benefiting Monsanto and the other chemical food players.

1 - There are NO FOOD SAFTEY LAWS in the USA, which are allowed to curtail this campaign.

2 - There are NO FOOD SAFTEY TESTING PROGRAMS, published to allow the American people to make educated decisions and avoid genetically engineered foods.

3 - There are NO FOOD SAFETY INVESTIGATIVE JOURNALISTIC REPORTS published or broadcast in the main media that curtail this campaign. What limits and controls the media in American "free press", is advertising investments.

It might be suggested that the USA review of the food safety testing done in the UK, which prompted their restriction of GE in their foodstuff. It was interesting that when the UK and the EU member countries ban GE, Unilever, one of the largest food producers, made a concerted effort to produce non-GE foods for sale there. For example, McDonald's and other US food chains, selling in the UK and EU, do not offer GE foods. In the USA, however, these companies and others continue to sell GM foods.

When we observe the ongoing war, waged by the American food industry, in order to avoid labeling foods containing GE we it is obvious that "freedom of choice" in America is "controlled."  Americans are not allowed to know when foods they are eating contain GE ingredients because the industry knows they would choose to avoid them.  Unlike animals, which, have been observed to avoid GE foods when given a choice, humans cannot easily detect them.

You can see that, if people were allowed to NOT BUY GE foods, the farmers could move forward to healing the land and farming without fear of the T-Rex industries that are currently feeding on them - worldwide.

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