Wednesday, December 30, 2009

2010 New Year and the Great Awakening

How can, and why should, 2010 become the year of Great Awakening? Who should awaken and what would they awaken to, or from? The Great Awakening is about global warming. It is about genetic manipulation of nature and about seizing ownership of life resources by a select and rich minority. It is about a denial of responsibility for the subsequent consequences of these actions, which could result in the extinction of life as has been known on Earth. Mostly, it is about how these wrongs can be made right through a collective re-commitment.

Regardless if one has faith in a higher power or not, it is difficult to ignore how the environment affects life on Earth. Simply quenching one’s thirst with a glass of pure water, or inhaling a breath of clean air, done with thoughtfulness, reminds one of our body’s reliance on our environment. We expect our environment to be nurturing and not polluted or dangerous. Like all things of value, the environment must be protected. At the very least, environmental responsibility requires awareness and thoughtful care. Ideally, awareness and care would inspire activism on a broader spectrum.

For the millions of years Earth has existed, development and change has occurred slowly and methodically. Species have flourished and perished, due to genetic strengths or weaknesses and their relative biological adaptability. Humans, with brains developed to far greater extents than any other of Earth's creatures, share many characteristics with other species. However, they are, if not the strongest or most agile, the smartest and most successful of all. In synchronization with nature, man has prospered. Nature took great care of man, he reciprocated, and both thrived. The relationship, however, has changed.

In contrast, many of today’s humans, particularly those who believe they control everything within their reach, are reaching for and gathering even more than they need. They do this even at the peril of their own species as well as other creatures; and often contaminating the very food, water and air, their own lives depend upon. By ignoring nature’s rhythms, modern man is writing a new story, one of extinction, framed by denial.

While some are aware of their symbiotic relationship to the environment, others are too greedy for material wealth to realize the harm they do. Material wealth, hidden under a blanket of industrialization and production, is nothing more than the acquisition of food, water and air, the same essential elements needed by the single celled creatures that first inhabited the planet. Some people believe that fortune is something far fancier but in reality, it is not. Without food, water and air life, as we know it, cannot exist. Those three elements control all that lives.

A Great Awakening obliges humankind to be responsible for the protection of food, water, and air from unhealthy molecular manipulations and contaminations. It requires humankind to recognize the sovereignty of the life source, seed or egg, and not strive to patent it for private gain. Most of all, it calls humankind to commit its superior abilities to safeguarding the purity and health of life’s three most important elements so that they may be safely passed to the generations yet unborn. Finally, as a being that expresses belief in a greater power, a Great Awakening would compel humankind to share, and assure access to, safe, healthy food, water and air for all other life on planet Earth.

Happy New Year to all and to all a Great Awakening.